Dear friends, it is HOT here today. Around 1 it was suddenly 91 degrees! I don't very often see thermostats hit in the 90s so this is breaking (sort of) new ground for me. I ate outside at lunch and I think I may have turned a little pink. My delightful farmer's tan will probably surface throughout the summer. (Good thing I'll have NINE DAYS in Hawaii to even everything out at the real beach! Today my boss approved me to take those vacation days so we are GOOD TO GO.)
This weekend was another one to compete for 10 best weekends ever. I have a few pictures I'll put it up later this week but none that will fully express sleeping in (SO LATE), relaxing, lazy wanderings of downtown Greenville, or the glory of the awesome shoes I got at Goodwill. In any event, I am exhausted today since we got up at a time that starts with a 4 (I avoid doing this like the plague). Furthermore, I'd like to say that I might have to quit Top 40 because my four hours of sleep were shaved to only three last night when RIDICULOUS SONG HOOKS repeated incessantly in my head. (Yes, Mom, I think I AM your daughter.)
Ok, I think that's all for now. Pictures later. Happy Monday to all of you. Here's to hoping I make bed time minus 1 hour tonight...
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