Monday, June 28, 2010

Typophile Film Festival

A friend sent me this video a while ago, but it came my way again today and I was, once again, in awe of the work done by the BYU art student/professor team. It was created for the opening credits at the 5th Typophile Film Festival. If you haven't seen this yet, you've got to take it in. Everything was done by hand - no CGI!

Typophile Film Festival 5 Opening Titles from Brent Barson on Vimeo.

You can read more about the making of the video here.

Similarly, the BYU team made this video for the 4th Typophile Film Festival. (Both videos won awards.)

[(this time around) via faceout]

Friday, June 25, 2010



One Week!

Til this:

And this:

And this:

Oh, and THIS:

Eeee, I can't wait!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

One More Storm Photo

A simultaneous lightning strike at both the Trump Tower and the Sears (aka Willis) Tower, as seen from the John Hancock Building.

photo by: Chris Sweda, Chicago Tribune / June 23, 2010


We had some serious storms in Chicagoland last night. A severe thunderstorm with tornado warnings alongside it came rolling through. It drenched us, lit us up with lightning, and rolled heavy peals of thunder over us. The tornado sirens went off a few times. Poor Kate got stuck in the worst (and scariest) part of it while driving some kids home. Thankfully we're all fine and our power is still on!

The sky was so dark and scary before the storm fully rolled in and then the lightning spread like spiderwebs. The thunder was louder than I've ever experienced (then again, I am a Hawaii girl. We're not used to that sort of thing.) And then as quickly as the storm rolled in, it rolled out, leaving everything quiet, flooded, and the sky funky colors (like orange). We were so happy when we looked out our back window and a HUGE rainbow stretched across the whole city! Paige captured that last photo of the rainbow from our bedroom window. When we were looking out our window and marveling, we just said to each other, "How can you see that and not believe in God?" After such a scary, powerful storm, all is quiet and a rainbow appears in the sky. Beautiful.

[all photos but the rainbow photo were submitted to the Chicago Tribune.]

New Shoes

Hi friends. I know it's been a few days and I apologize. Today I want to show you my new shoes! After trying on some TOMS with my friend Trisha when we were in Wisconsin a few weekends ago, I got hooked on the utter comfort that is this pair of shoes. (And I think they're super cute. I wear them without the laces.) The price tag was a little (ok, a lot) more than I'm used to paying, but for each pair you purchase, they give a pair to a child who doesn't have any shoes. What a deal, right? (So really, I'm saving the world by shopping. That's how it works right??) So I'm wearing them today and my feet are happy. Now I just have to find some stain repellent so they last more than a week in the city...

Monday, June 21, 2010

Toy Story 3

Ashley, Kate, and I went to see Toy Story 3 over the weekend. I must say, it was one of the best movies I've seen in a looong time. I highly, highly recommend it! We laughed (so hard) and cried (ok, not Kate) and everybody else in the audience (which was mostly adults!) did too. Go see it. It will make your heart warm. And make you want to be a kid again. Or at least play with your toys!

[picture from the NYT]

Friday, June 18, 2010


And "severe thunderstorms" rolling in. OH WOW.

Pig in Boots

Hahahahahahaha. Happy Friday!!

[via Flora]

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Ooo, look how pretty the new Paper Source colors are! Of course I love them because (haven't you heard?) "peacock" is just a fancy way of saying TEAL. And who doesn't love sunshine yellow? YAY SUMMER COLORS!

This is hilarious

World Cup fashion.
[from here]

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Where Americans Are Moving

"More than 10 million Americans moved from one county to another during 2008." This map visualizes the movement to and from Chicago. Black lines represent net inward movement and red lines net outward movement. (Only a few moving between Honolulu and Chicago... I'm one of them!) Check out the whole map and all the counties on here.

[via swissmiss]

Mood Mugs

Look how cute these mugs are! I could use the Seriously Sleepy one this morning. Especially if it had some coffee steaming inside of it...

[via incredible things]

Monday, June 14, 2010

Heather + Dan's wedding

Heather and Dan's wedding in Wisconsin was just beautiful and such a great little weekend away. We guests enjoyed poking around the small town, relaxing in the hot tub, and watching World Cup soccer. The ceremony and reception were lovely and I'm serious when I say that the bride was just GLOWING. I couldn't decide between these two photos I stole off of facebook to show you, so you get both:

(Once Swice and I swap pictures I might have photos of us doing fun things, too.)

Friday, June 11, 2010

Happy Friday!

Hip Happity Friday! I'm off to another wedding... this time in Wisconsin! I hope you have a wonderful weekend! :)

Blackhawks parade

Sooo, Chicago has a winning team. People are excited. People are gathering for the victory parade. Sadly, I still have to go to work.

What's that street? Oh, that's the street my bus was supposed to drive down this morning. Much to my/other passengers' surprise, we were rerouted. (Thanks to our internet STILL being down, I am in the dark about these sorts of things.)

[photo by Nancy Stone at the Chicago Tribune]

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Church pew headboard

I love this headboard! I think my love is partially related to the fantastic spot for books and reading lights. This lady made it from an old church pew. Pretty cool, right??

[via design*sponge.]

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

New things.

A short missive from my desk to say: Sometimes I feel like a bumbling idiot.

I've been given some new responsibilities at work recently and these new tasks are actually very exciting developments. However, they also make me feel completely lost as I maneuver totally new jobs and fumble my way through foreign procedures. It makes me feel like a bumbling idiot.

Okay, back to figuring things out...

Monday, June 7, 2010

Summery things

I love summer. This includes, but is not limited to, potlucks, picnics, cook-outs, and pool parties.

On being distracted by technology

I read this article in the New York Times today on the distractions of technology and what it's doing to our attention span. With the onset of portable-internet-ready everything and gchat blinking away and new blog posts and incoming text messages and and and... everything else that fights for my attention (and I WILL give it my attention) no wonder sometimes at the end of the day my brain feels like it has been skimming across the surface (of everything) for hours but I don't quite have a complete idea of where I've been. It makes me want to turn that all down a notch.

Cue the timely demise of our internet connection and TV. We have new neighbors (and they're very nice!), but with the installation of their wires, ours got cut. So, I'll be practicing some un-wired home habits this week. Perhaps I'll make a good dent in my stack of library books? Hopefully. But then again, I'm sure I can find a way to get distracted...

Friday, June 4, 2010


Friends, I own teal pants. Here's the evidence. I mean, really, how could I say no to these?? (This photo is from our memorial day cook out. Sadly not on the beach due to rain, but delicious nonetheless.)

Thursday, June 3, 2010


I really like these wall trees decorating this mini-office. Mental note for future room made!

[featured in a before & after on design*sponge]

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I like these...

I love these pillows Elise made and posted on her blog. It's like a combo of my favorite things: yellow, gray, WORDS! Throw a little teal in there and BAM, it would be Ashley's favorites. She modified this tutorial to put them together.

a. favorite design

I love these nerdy letterpressed cards by a. favorite design. Actually, I love most of the stuff she makes and sells. And her site is super cute to boot. Check it out. (Plus, Chicago based!)

[via the donut project]