Monday, June 7, 2010

On being distracted by technology

I read this article in the New York Times today on the distractions of technology and what it's doing to our attention span. With the onset of portable-internet-ready everything and gchat blinking away and new blog posts and incoming text messages and and and... everything else that fights for my attention (and I WILL give it my attention) no wonder sometimes at the end of the day my brain feels like it has been skimming across the surface (of everything) for hours but I don't quite have a complete idea of where I've been. It makes me want to turn that all down a notch.

Cue the timely demise of our internet connection and TV. We have new neighbors (and they're very nice!), but with the installation of their wires, ours got cut. So, I'll be practicing some un-wired home habits this week. Perhaps I'll make a good dent in my stack of library books? Hopefully. But then again, I'm sure I can find a way to get distracted...

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