I have new glasses! Woo! I really like them and, in the tradition of my eighth grade pair, I've worn them pretty much every day so far (until the new-ness wears off and I'll wear them for necessity). :) Maybe too much thought went into that... I don't know. Anyway so per the parental requests, I'm putting up pictures.
ALSO, I just got back from Ottawa (Illinois not Canada, silly) and got to see the ACTUAL SITE of the first Lincoln-Douglas Debates. Oh, how wonderful history is. :) There's also a picture of my making $20 for eating a humongous bite of delicious homemade, chocolate cake. And there's a picture of me and some of my art friends when we went into the city to see some art exhibits. The one behind us is "Paintings Below Zero" which is a 100 foot mural in Millenium Park of colored ice. It looked like really cold stained glass.
Enjoy the pictures! Yay better internet in the Student Activities Office!
Ok, well i am going to try to post a comment to prove that i do read your blog...however, you know i am challenged by the technical aspect of the commenting thing...so here goes!
I love all of the pictures, and you are so cute...with and without the glasses!
WOOHOO!!! i did it! be proud of me:)
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