Friday, November 19, 2010

This is so cool..

How cool are these beds?? And the whole room!? Say it with me, "YELLOW AND GRAY! YELLOW AND GRAY!"

Last night I went to the Harry Potter midnight showing and I am s o o tired today. However, I think I've finally reached my second wind. Yeehaw! Also, the jittery coffee bugs have finally worked their way out of my system. Ha.

This weekend I'm excited to Christmas shop, see a comedy show, and hang out with Kate's family who is in town for Thanksgiving! Plus, I'm going to start packing for vacation next week! I can't wait!

Happy Friday!

[picture/bedroom from here]

Thursday, November 18, 2010

The jumping 'i'

I was just sitting at work, doing my thing when I realized that the italic 'i' in Scala looks just like a person jumping for joy. Does it not?

Hi, I'm Ashley and I'm a nerd.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Glamorous Things

Last night Paige and I watched Tina Fey receive the Mark Twain Prize for American Humor. As dedicated 30 Rock fans, and in general Tina fans, we thought it was the best thing ever. And we love her dress. Isn't it glamorous? I love the lace top. Don't you wish you could wear it?

And another glamorous thing, I think this ring is so pretty.

[Tina photo] [Ring via Cup of Jo]

Friday, November 12, 2010


I love globes. L-O-V-E them. When I find myself in a more semi-permanent home, I'm going to get a really cool one. It's my plan. So naturally I found this video to be the coolest thing ever. HOW GLOBES ARE MADE! Watch and be amazed. I viewed this on mute, so I have no idea if there's talking or narration or anything, but it's still sooo cool.

[via design*sponge]

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I make him take pictures with me...

...and he makes funny faces.

We arrived at church separately only to find that our outfits coordinated. I thought this called for a picture. He thought differently. Hence, we compromised. 

P.S. In case you wanted to know something sentimental, Dave wore that sweater vest on our first date. I think about that night every time he wears it. :)

Monday, November 8, 2010

Weekend + Weather

You know what Chicago is great for? Weird weather. Let's examine:
I had a wonderful weekend - one that didn't last long enough even though it was an hour longer than normal! As much as I hate how it's going to get dark so early now, I did love the extra hour of sleep. Plus it's only a four hour time difference to Hawaii now; you can ask my mom how much she loves that. (right, Mom?). Oh another plus: it's light out when I wake up now. This makes it easier to get out of bed.

This weekend we four of our delightful apartment went to see the Lion King musical (thanks to Kate's grandma and Kate's birthday!). It was ah-may-zing. The only way I know to describe it is 'visual spectacle.' The costumes and puppets and animals and my oh my, I whole-heartedly recommend it. I sat in my seat with my mouth wide open. (Were you embarrassed, Paige?)

I also got new boots (yayyy), barn danced (who knew there were real barns in Chicago?), and celebrated All Saints Day. I love church potlucks. And I love my church.

I have another photo from the weekend to share but it's on my computer at home, so that will have to wait. Weekend part 2... to come.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Happy Friday!!

Cue your Friday song; I've got one in my head already!